Links for this week (weekly)

  • ““I no longer support the idea of home page news and features,” says Shel Holtz, Principal, Holtz Communications + Technology. “My opinion has changed 180 degrees in the past two years. Activity streams is where we are moving.””

    tags: intranet intranet2.0 homepage activitystream internalcollaboration readership

    • Finding a balance between push and pull is important, and not easily attained without explicit research and understanding of employee and management needs and concerns. Remember: most organizations are not a democracy, but most employees understand this and don’t expect the home page to be exactly what they want, when they want.
    • At Pitney Bowes, Corporate Communications was able to increase readership to intranet news articles by 300% by promoting individual articles in Yammer newsfeeds
    • “We need to deploy channels that employees care about and then pull them in.
    • Our finding is that to be successful, internal social media initiatives must focus first and foremost on the development of emotional capital, which we define as the aggregate feelings of goodwill toward a company and the way it operates,”
      • Holtz cites three phases to securing executive support:



        1. Buy in – rationale and ROI, investment, culture change.

        3. Accountability – Subordinates’ behavior, reward and recognition.

        5. Participation – Not optional; adoption depends on developing emotional capital
      • Identify leaders who are authentic and whom employees trust

      • Help them develop social media skills

      • Ask them to (and help them) join and build communities where they can grow emotional capital

      • Deploy social media tools sequentially

      • Prepare leaders to see benefits only after emotional capital has been built
    • “Smart leaders today, we have found, engage with employees in a way that resembles an ordinary person-to-person conversation more than it does a series of commands from on high.
    • Innovative or not, social or not, most organizations need to find a balance between the push and pull of home page content on the intranet
  • “A few months ago, AIL launched The Edison Project, to “explore how the new creators and makers, the new metrics and measurement, the new funding and business models, and the new screens are all combining into a new ecosystem – and how media and entertainment companies can reorient themselves to flourish in this emerging Imagination Economy.””

    tags: metrics measurement business model AIL imaginationeconomy economy

    • The global rise of ubiquitous and affordable technologies are leading us to a kind of imagination economy, a participatory culture where social wonders are more important than technology, and enabling experiences have more value than specific products and services. 
    • Sophisticated technologies are critical to the development of a global digital money ecosystem, but we must keep in mind the central role that money has played in our lives through the ages.  People’s emotional relationship with money, not technology, will drive this particular digital evolution. 
    • In this new golden age of TV and streaming media, storytelling itself is now being reinvented for the digital age. 
    • Our technologies keep advancing, but our ability to consume the information and applications they are now bringing us is subject to our very human limitations.
    • These are complex yet fascinating problems.  For media companies, are these the best of times, given the opportunity to develop and distribute all kinds of great content, with more to come as we learn to harness some of the exciting technologies being explored by the Annenberg Innovation Lab?  Or are these the worst of times, as advances in technologies and new competitors continue to wreak havoc on their business models? 
  • “WellPoint’s effort to update its digital business model by changing the nature of its revenue structure is similar to many of the IT-enabled organizational transformations that we’ve studied. In this time of fast-growing enterprise digitization, companies are finding it necessary to build platforms and services to leverage the data they collect and then deliver it to customers if they are going to do business in new and different ways. “

    tags: digitization data organization capabilities

    • Three practices underlie WellPoint’s success in this new system: treating the revised project as a cultural change, creating incremental goals, and focusing on the customer.
    • WellPoint executives committed their time to the project and created metrics that aligned with the desired changes.
    • The second place with incremental goals was in the revised development of the Enhanced Personal Care Program itself. Rather than waiting until the end of the development to assess the overall project, the focus became smaller, modular parts of the program. It’s much easier to diagnose and fix problems in contained modules.
    • The third practice that helped ensure program success at WellPoint was an effort to think about the problem from the point of view of the customer.
  • “In a world where physical and virtual environments are rapidly converging, companies need to meet customer needs anytime, anywhere. Here’s how.”

    tags: digitization customer customerjourney data analytics marketing

    • Discover. Many of the executives we’ve spoken with admit they are still more facile with data capture than data crunching.
    • Design. Consumers now have much more control over where they will focus their attention, so companies need to craft a compelling customer experience in which all interactions are expressly tailored to a customer’s stage in his or her decision journey.
    • Deliver. “Always on” marketing programs, in which companies engage with customers in exactly the right way at any contact point along the journey, require agile teams of experts in analytics and information technologies, marketing, and experience design
    • Even in this era of big data and widespread digitization of customer information, some companies still lack a 360-degree view of the people who buy their products and services.
    • To get the full customer portrait rather than just a series of snapshots, companies need a central data mart that combines all the contacts a customer has with a brand: basic consumer data plus information about transactions, browsing history, and customer-service interactions (for an illustrative example of how companies can lose potential customers by failing to optimize digital channels, see exhibit)
    • With a comprehensive data set in hand, companies can undertake the sort of quick-hit “shop diagnostics” that many tell us is lacking in their marketing and e-commerce programs. Using analytic applications such as SAS and R, and by applying various algorithms and models to longitudinal data, companies can better model the cost of their marketing efforts, find the most effective journey patterns, spot potential dropout points, and identify new customer segments
    • Additionally, by using business-process software and services from vendors such as Adobe Systems, ExactTarget, Pegasystems, and Responsys, companies can identify in real time the basic “triggers” for what individual customers need and value—regardless of the product or service—and personalize their approach when making cross- or up-sell offers.
    • This lean, start-up approach might sound counterintuitive to large, entrenched marketing organizations in which decisions are made at a snail’s pace, but test-and-learn methods can help companies decide how best to optimize (and customize) critical design attributes of the consumer decision journey at various points along the way
    • To create similarly frictionless experiences, some companies have created 24/7 digital “window shops” to test product ideas and customer interactions and collect rapid feedback without the need for additional labor or inventory.
    • In our experience, too many companies are afraid to launch “good enough” campaigns—ones that are continually refined as customers’ purchase behaviors and stated preferences change.
    • These types of agile, data-driven activities must be supported by an organization that has the right people, tools, and processes. Many companies will have some of the talent required, but not all, and executives will inevitably face resistance when it comes to introducing lean tools and techniques into their sales, marketing, and IT processes.
    • Building an agile marketing organization will take time, of course. Companies should start by assembling a “scrum team” that will bring the right people together to test, learn, and scale.
    • Companies likely will need to hire people with skills that differ from the ones they rely on now.
    • Companies need to make strategic decisions about the best pathways to build customer value. Many cite digital as one of their top three priorities in this regard, but few have taken the time to measure the level of digital maturity their organization has achieved.
    • Indeed, the companies that ultimately succeed in omnichannel marketing and sales will likely resemble tech companies and, interestingly, publishers—effectively using big data and digital touchpoints to drive growth and reduce costs, while producing and managing a variety of content (catalogs, coupons, web pages, mobile apps, and user-generated content) in real time across multiple platforms to create breakthrough customer experiences
  • “Instant gratification – that is the norm today. Whether delighting a customer in real time, reaching new markets, collaborating instantly with partners and suppliers across the world, enterprises must exceed expectations to achieve a competitive edge. And it’s not just about speed, it’s about the experience.”

    tags: experience customer customersatisfaction

    • ake it personal. Customers expect you to know them as individuals
    • Maximize the moment.
    • Satisfy at the speed of life.
  • “Looking forward to an extra day off this week? What if a four-day work week was the norm, not the exception? Take a peek inside companies where every weekend is a holiday weekend.”

    tags: productivity workhours workweek wellbeing

    • He dismisses the idea that productivity is tied to the number of hours clocked at the end of the day, arguing a great deal of this time is misspent and unfocused. Instead of a 40-hour workweek, Treehouse’s 72 full-time employees work eight-hour days Monday thru Thursday.
    • other companies, such as Beholder, a creative content agency specializing in film and video production, web design, and development, three-day weekends are only offered during the summer months.
    • Employees return to work recharged.


      High employee morale and energy is perhaps the biggest benefit of three-day weekends.

    • “For some, the weekend is almost too long. They can’t wait to get back to work,”
    • It’s a benefit other companies don’t match.


      Despite Treehouse’s inability to match salaries of major tech companies, Carson says the company’s three-day weekend policy has helped the company recruit and retain top talent

    • When people spend less time at work they are more efficient when they are there.


      Cramming five days of work into four simply forces employees to use their time wisely.

    • Less time is spent on water-cooler chat or discussions that should be left for happy hour and employees learn to prioritize tasks more effectively and to work together to ensure clients’ needs are still met
    • It creates a sense of urgency.


      Thursday (the last day of the workweek for Treehouse and Beholder) comes fast, meaning employees have to prioritize their weekly tasks to make sure they can meet goals.

    • It Improves teamwork.


      Since everyone loves their three-day weekends, all employees have a stake in ensuring work gets completed so they can continue to enjoy their extra day off

  • tags: digital digitalnatives digitalimmigrands millenials digitalproficiency

  • “One day while driving home, I thought: “Why don’t I just stop using email altogether?” That night while drifting off to sleep I imagined my email-free life. I liked the picture. Within the same week, I made the decision to cut email out of my life.”

    tags: email productivity projectmanagement

    • I no longer experience the compulsive need to empty out my inbox all the time.
    • I no longer start the day with email. Instead, I open the project tool belonging to the client who I will be giving my attention to for that day,
    • I have reclaimed on average three hours of every working day.
    • I no longer have file sharing problems because the files are accessible anytime, anywhere. With TeamworkPM, I also have Dropbox integrated which means that file sharing is even more simplified.
    • 1. Track your current productivity levels


      In order to start this experiment, I needed to track the difference in my productivity levels with and without email. I started my no email journey by installing RescueTime, a tool that tracks your workday activities and calculates a productivity score for you.

    • 2. Notify people


      I started letting people know about my decision and thought it would be the easiest part of the process. It proved to be the hardest. I put a note on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to announce my decision

    • The reaction to my decision was interesting: a few people even decided to join me.
    • 3. Move clients to project management systems


      After notifying my clients of my decision, I also explained to them that all work would be moving into a collaborative space. I set up accounts with Huddle, TeamworkPM, Basecamp and Asana. I

  • “The question of when and where to invest in big data is the most common question I hear. Companies want to know when and where they should start or when they should proceed to the next level. The confusion quickly becomes overwhelming and paralysis sets in. To help you break that cycle and move forward, here are six ways to overcome paralysis and start moving forward again…”

    tags: bigdata

    • Start right now.
      •   Get over thinking big data is too hard for company employees to use.
    • Don’t wait until you have “big” data to work with big data.
    • Run with the data analysts you already have.
    • Grow your own experts
    • Cost is not the issue.
  • You can have terrific people working in the right teams and still not see the financial results you’re hoping for. Why? It could be that your organization’s structure is creating obstacles that compromise your workforce’s performance.

    tags: management managers middlemanagement supervisors reporting hierarchy productivity

    • You have front-line employees who create what you sell or who deal directly with customers: software developers, sales reps, call-center staffers, and so on. You also have support staff, including the people in marketing, finance, HR, and other functions. When the tooth-to-tail ratio gets too low, front-line people find that they have to send every customer request or idea for improvement up through the bureaucracy and wait days or weeks for a response.
    • A second likely culprit: too many supervisory layers. Unnecessary supervisors create work and don’t increase efficiency, thus lowering an organization’s productivity.
    • When you hire a manager, he or she typically generates enough work to keep somebody else busy as well. Senior executives â€” SVPs and EVPs — are even more costly.
    • Manage your tooth-to-tail ratios closely. Appropriate ratios naturally vary from one industry to another. But a company can gauge its performance against benchmark levels and make adjustments as necessary
    • Trim your supervisory layers. Compare your managerial spans — the average number of direct reports per supervisor—with industry benchmarks, and adjust your structure accordingly.
    • Limit the caravans. It does little good to eliminate unnecessary supervisors if those who remain are as costly and inefficient as ever. In some companies, it’s common for senior VPs to have not just an assistant but a whole coterie of helpers, complete with a chief of staff
    • A large software company we worked with recently eliminated more than 40% of its supervisors, ensuring that the people who actually develop the product aren’t overburdened with managers and other functionaries.
  • “Quelles sont les recettes de cuisines managériales qui ont fait le succès des leaders du numérique ? Ils ont tous compris les concepts suivants : investir dans le capital humain, intégrer les desiderata des jeunes salariés, donner une mission à leur entreprise, s’appuyer sur les ruptures technologiques et changer leurs méthodes de conduite de projet. “

    tags: digital digitaltransformation management technology collectiveintelligence agility

    • Investir dans l’intelligence collective
    • Grâce à Internet et aux nouvelles technologies, les consommateurs disposent désormais d’une base de connaissance à portée de main pour guider leurs actes d’achats, comparer les prix, décider du moment de la transaction, utiliser le canal qui leur sied pour acquérir un bien ou un service numérique.
        Dans ce contexte, l’intelligence des collaborateurs doit être mise à contribution pour accompagner celle des futurs clients, en perpétuelle évolution et maturation.
    • Comprendre le nouveau pacte social
    • Définir le “why” de son entreprise
    • Embrasser les ruptures technologiques
    • Embrasser les ruptures technologiques
    • Devenir une entreprise agile
    • . La où, avant, un salarié vouait allégeance à son entreprise, il s’attache dorénavant à son équilibre vie personnelle/vie professionnelle, à sa valeur ajoutée pour l’entreprise mais également à celle que celle-ci peut lui apporter.
    • Les employés se rendront d’autant plus volontiers à leur bureau et s’y investiront sans compter qu’ils auront compris la mission de leur entreprise.
    • BigData, Cloud, Web, Mobilité, Internet of Things sont des concepts émergents qui remettent radicalement en cause notre quotidien. Ces ruptures technologiques font les leaders de demain et défont ceux qui n’ont pas réagi assez vite hier
    • Scrum, xP, Lean, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, management visuel, Kanban sont autant de termes qui sont rentrés dans les vocabulaires des entreprises qui innovent et qui réussissent.
  • “Much has been made recently of the imperative to fully transition our businesses into the modern digital world. It now hardly needs to be said at this point. There is even some encouraging news for traditional enterprises: The latest data from Forrester shows that companies are indeed at long last making digital transformation a top priority, with 74% of executives saying that they currently have a strategy to get there.”

    tags: digitaltransformation strategy

    • There is the ‘bolt-on’ strategy, which typically means adding a few new digital channels to existing touchpoint
    • Then there is the ‘digital transformation’ approach to digital. It’s a full-on, meaningful reconception of the business, often using a startup or incubator model, with the intent to re-imagine a digital native organization with all that it entails
    • the latter approach also has many of the characteristics that corporate leadership tends to avoid: a) The big bang initiative which has a high likelihood of failure, b) cross-silo involvement, meaning it will encounter numerous bureaucratic and political obstacles, and b) the likelihood of of success being dependent on securing rarefied talent

      Another way of putting it is that the CEOs, CIOs, COOs, and CMOs — the four roles most directly responsible for guiding this transformation — will secure rewards for their organizations that are directly commensurate with their commitment to drive broad digital adaptation and change

    • Seek out digital change. Avoid having it imposed.
    • Cultivate capabilities to support multiple operating models.
    • Understand and absorb the new competencies of digital across the organization.
    • Instead, employ internal and external networks to create a naturally-supportive environment where digital change is far more scalable, emergent, adaptive, and continuous.
  • “Chris Crummey, World Wide Director of Sales at IBM, shares the tools and processes that make his life easier and allow him to be productive from any location on many different devices. “

    tags: ibm socialbusiness transformation engagement change digitaltransformation crm integration

  • “Pour l’économiste américain, qui inspire la directrice du FMI, Christine Lagarde, l’essor des technologies de l’information annonce la prochaine révolution industrielle non plus mécanique, mais cognitive.”

    tags: cognitivecomputing economy digitaleconomy productivity

    • On en voit les balbutiements avec l’apparition de technologies qui, il y a cinq ans encore, relevaient de la science-fiction : voiture sans conducteur, commande vocale de smartphones, télédiagnostic médical, autoremplissage de documents, automates qui répondent aux questions au téléphone ou en ligne, logiciels capables de rédiger des articles simples de résultats sportifs ou boursiers, ou de battre nos meilleurs étudiants au jeu «  Jeopardy »
    • Nous venons, je pense, de passer dans la seconde moitié de l’échiquier. Jusqu’ici, la diffusion des technologies de l’information a été une révolution à bas bruit qui affectait nos vies à la marge et qui, en effet, dans le business, ne se traduisait guère en gains de productivité.
    • L’économie numérique, du fait de son pouvoir exponentiel de réplication et de diffusion, est du type « le gagnant rafle tout ». Gain de productivité et distribution des revenus sont désormais décorrélés.
    • De fait, les emplois qui di­minuent le plus rapidement d’une reprise à l’autre sont ceux dédiés aux tâches routinières, qu’elles soient cognitives ou manuelles 
    • Ces reconfigurations ont lieu en période de crise et, à la reprise, les emplois répétitifs ne réapparaissent pas.
    • En attendant, il y a au moins trois domaines dans lesquels les humains ont encore l’avantage. La créativité et l’ esprit d’entreprise, d’abord. Ces deux qualités vont devenir d’autant plus précieuses que la digitalisation en amplifiera les retombées. Les relations interpersonnelles, ensuite : vendre, éduquer, motiver, soigner… tout cela requiert des capacités empathiques qui font encore largement défaut aux machines. La dextérité, enfin. Les robots sont très maladroits : coiffeurs, jardiniers, plombiers ont encore de beaux jours devant eux.
    • Cela ne fait que retarder notre adaptation au deuxième âge des machines qui est entré dans sa phase exponentielle. Plutôt que la course contre les machines, préparons-nous à la faire avec elles.
  • “Ces évolutions n’ont pas du tout été anticipées par les politiques ni par la société en général. Il est d’ailleurs amusant de découvrir l’effroi des gens lorsqu’ils découvrent que l’alliance de l’intelligence artificielle et de la robotique sonne à notre porte. Regardez la réaction de Bill Gates qui s’alarme à la perspective de voir une majorité d’emplois qualifiés ainsi remplacés, à l’horizon 2035, en raison du mariage effectif de l’intelligence artificielle et de la robotique. Il faut réfléchir à cet agenda, ne pas se précipiter. “

    tags: robots artificialintelligence jobs

    • La robotisation et l’automatisation des actions professionnelles semblaient un fantasme de science-fiction. Mais c’est en train de devenir réalité. Cette évolution va avoir des conséquences importantes sur le management des entreprises et de l’innovation
    • Il est possible que la notion d’argent disparaisse à terme. Dans un monde où la robotique aura supprimé les emplois, l’art sera peut-être la seule activité exclusivement humaine
    • L’humanité doit réfléchir avant de s’engager dans la voie que proposent le Do It Yourself en biologie, les bio-hackers et les sociétés comme Google. Jusqu’où souhaitons-nous modifier notre humanité ?
    • Comment éviter la dictature neurologique, la prise de contrôle de l’humanité par un petit groupe ?
  • “As I’ve worked on my upcoming book, Open Data Now – to be published by McGraw-Hill on January 10 – I’ve had to think through and explain how Open Data, Big Data, and Open Government are related to each other.”

    tags: bigdata opendata opengouvernment

    • 1. Big Data that’s not Open Data.  A lot of Big Data falls in this category, including some Big Data that has great commercial value.
    • 2. Open Government work that’s not Open Data. This is the part of Open Government that focuses purely on citizen engagement.
    • 3. Big, Open, Non-Governmental Data. Here we find scientific data-sharing and citizen science projects like Zooniverse
    • 4. Open Government Data that’s not Big Data. Government data doesn’t have to be Big Data to be valuable. Modest amounts of data from states, cities, and the federal government can have a major impact when it’s released
    • . Open Data – not Big, not from Government. This includes the private-sector data that companies choose to share for their own purposes – for example, to satisfy their potential investors or to enhance their reputations.
    • 6. Big, Open, Government Data (the trifecta). These datasets may have the most impact of any category. Government agencies have the capacity and funds to gather very large amounts of data, and making those datasets open can have major economic benefits.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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