There’s an ongoing debate not only about enterprise 2.0 definition on wikipedia but also on whether such a definition has to exist or not.
There’s what it seems to me being the “original” definition by A. McAfee :”enterprise 2.0 is an enterprise that uses blogs and wikis”. AlthoughI consider this definition is too restrictive because it doesn’t embrace the full range of enterprise, it’s, at least, a good and common starting point (my definition’s here).
Wikipedia choosed to redirect E2.0 definition to “enterprise social software”. It’s even worst than McAfee original restrictive definition : it means that enterprise is software !
And what about the individual who use the software ? Enterprise is made of people who use software not for their pleasure but for business purposes. We can’t say both “it’s about people” and “it’s software”. A tool centric approach for a people-centric phenomenon is a nonsense.
Wake up !
What would you say the day when the “car” definition will redirect on “gas” or “highway” ?
NB : French wikipedia has it’s own enteprise 2.0 entry. 😉